How can I replace the media in my video with another media or my own?

2 min. readlast update: 02.21.2024

You can either prompt the magic box, search or upload images and videos, or edit keywords to replace the media in your video.


Prompting the magic box

You can prompt the magic box to replace media for a scene with new media of your choice.

Step 1: Prompt the magic box to replace a media with another media.
Note: This won't be applicable to a particular media within a scene, but only to the entire scene.


Step 2: Click on Generate and preview your video once the changes have been made.



Some example prompts you can use are:

Change the 2nd media to _____
Replace the media in scene 2 with _____

Searching or uploading media

You can search for images and videos to replace existing media in your video.

Step 1: Navigate to Edit > Edit media


Step 2: In the Edit media modal, search for the media you would like to use using the 🔍 search bar. 


Step 3: Once done, select the media you would like to replace in the video.


Step 4: Choose an image or video from your search results to replace the selected media with.


Step 5: You can also replace existing media with an image or video you have uploaded.


Step 6: Click on the Apply option to save the changes.


Editing keywords

You can edit keywords in the script section to add related media automatically.

Step 1: Navigate to Edit > Edit script


Step 2: Select the [▶] media icon to open the keywords option.


Step 3: Enter keywords related to the topic of media you would like to be shown in the keyword tab.


Step 4: Once you are done adding the keywords, click away or close the keyword tab.


Step 5: Click on the Apply Changes option to save your changes.


You can now preview your video and check out the new media!



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