To edit your script, follow these steps:
1) Click on Edit
2) From the top menu, click on Script.
3) You’ll see the list of chapters. Select the sentence you want to edit and right-click on it. You’ll have the following options:
Split segment here: This splits the sentence into two and you can add a new media keyword for the new segment.
Merge with previous: Merges the sentence with the one above, removing its media keyword.
Merge with next: Merges the sentence with the one below, removing its media keyword.
Add segment before: This option adds a new box above this sentence.
Add segment after: This option adds a new box below this sentence.
Copy segment: This option allows you to copy the sentence, which you can paste anywhere by right-clicking and selecting "paste segment."
Split chapter here: Selecting this option will divide the chapter into two separate chapters.
Delete segment: This option deletes the sentence and its associated media keyword.
Add gap here: Adds a pause in the voiceover and extends the media duration.
If you add a new segment before or after a sentence, be sure to include a media keyword so the media shows up with the new sentence.
You can add from stock or generative media.
To undo the changes, you can click on the reset button.